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Hart Insurance Agency

33301 1st Way S, Suite C130,
Federal Way, WA 98003

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Federal Way, WA Packing Tips

So it’s time to move from one place to another and you are dreading packing. This is a common concern. But if you follow a few helpful tips about how to pack more efficiently, the process won’t be so bad. Below are some packing tips to make your move a lot easier and keep your stress levels down.


You are already spending enough on your move most likely. Save money on not buying boxes. You can get free boxes from friends, from various stores like liquor stores or from your work’s mailroom, if you have access to such a place. Also, if you can use them, don’t hesitate to put items into trash bags as you are simply transporting them from one place to another and these bags are durable enough for this purpose and perfect for a one time use.


Make sure you have insurance during your move so you can protect yourself from having to pay for any lost or stolen items during this period of transition. Call a local insurance provider like Hart Insurance, who serves the greater Federal Way, Washington area to set up home or renters insurance so you can concentrate on packing and moving and not worry about losing items or having them stolen from you.


By simply labeling what is in your boxes and what rooms the boxes belong in when you get to your new place, it will save you a tremendous amount of time packing and unpacking your belongings, especially the unpacking part. This can also be done by color coding boxes if you don’t want people carrying them to know exactly what is in them, with a key you only have access to.

Tips for Buying ATV’s for First Timers

Buying your first ATV is a great experience, but there are some tips that may make the experience more enjoyable.

  1. Consider the driver. It is important to know the age and experience level of the rider in order to find the right vehicle for him or her. If this is for a child or teen, you will need an ATV that matches that age range. There are different power settings for adult vehicles than there are for youth models. The experience of the driver will make a difference in the types of controls you may want. More experienced riders may like hand control better than foot controls.
  2. How will the vehicle be used. Recreational sports ATV’s are durable models that can handle high performance activities for heavy off-road fun. Utility ATV’s are 4-wheeled quads that are more suitable for hauling heavy loads for towing or plowing. There are some models that are a combination of both sport and utility.
  3. Where will the ATV be used? A 4-wheel drive ATV would be great for uphill, mud, and sand riding. Two-wheel drive vehicles are useful if you are travelling on steadier surfaces. An ATV that has electronic power steering will be needed if you are driving on terrain that is tough or rocky.
  4. Think about getting your ATV insured.  An ATV is a vehicle and it can be in an accident or stolen. Try to prevent an accident by being safe. Wear your safety gear and watch for other riders. Some things you can do to prevent your vehicle from being stolen is to keep it hidden in a garage or lock it with a heavy-chains outdoors.

Talking with an independent insurance agent will help you understand your insurance options. Federal Way, WA agents at Hart Insurance can answer any questions you have about your recreational vehicle.

Giving Back to Your Community

When it comes to insurance companies there are many that take and never really give back. For the average person it is easier than you might think to give back to the community that you live in. Something as simple as volunteering at a local shelter, helping out with a food drive, working at a soup kitchen, and more can all help make your community a better place.

When it comes to insurance companies and other public companies, giving back can be as simple as providing the best care and service to our customers as we possibly can. Hart Insurance works to provide the best care and the best service to customers so that we can provide the community with the help that they need.

Taking the time to really consider what it is that you can do as an individual is just one way that you can insure you are going to have a successful community that is not only loved by residents but also taken care of by residents. Volunteering and working to give back to your community can make you feel wonderful and it can help improve the community in which we all live. Giving back is one of the easiest and most fulfilling ways to make your community a better place and to truly make a difference.

Giving back does not have to be pricey and it does not have to take up all your time. In a few short hours over the span of a week or two you can make a huge impact on both the community and the lives of individuals that live there making your home a better place for yourself and for those that also live there. Take the time to see what you can do to make your world a better place.

Protect Your Belongings and Yourself with Renters Insurance

Serving tenants in Federal Way, WA, Hart Insurance seeks to make finding renters insurance easy. Renters insurance is specifically designed with tenants needs in mind. A proper policy will provide coverage for you and your belongings, and our independent insurance agents can help you find such a policy.

Your Belongings and Yourself

All renters insurance policies are unique, containing different coverage that is detailed in the terms and conditions. Most policies have two main coverage options, though: personal property coverage and personal liability coverage.

Personal property coverage protects your belongings. Should your possessions be damaged or lost in a covered incident, the policy will reimburse you according to this coverage’s terms and conditions. Some policies provide depreciated value coverage, which pays for the fair-market value of your used belongings, while others include replacement cost coverage, which gives you the money necessary to replace the item with a new one. Of course, all coverage options will be carefully detailed in your policy, so you should read the policy over carefully.

Personal liability coverage may reimburse you for expenses related to an accident that’s covered and you’re deemed liable for. Liability coverage can vary greatly from policy to policy. Your specific protection will depend on your policy’s terms.

An Independent Insurance Agent

Understanding the different coverage options included in a renters insurance policy can be difficult if you’re on your own. At Hart Insurance, however, our Washington-licensed, independent insurance agents will clearly explain the technical jargon, ensuring that you understand your policy. Because our agents are independent, they can review any renters insurance policy you’d like, as long as it’s offered by an insurer in Washington.

Don’t spend hours struggling to compare renters insurance policies. Call our office today and we will help you through the entire process of selecting a policy.


Heading Over the Border Means Different Insurance Needs for Federal Way, WA Drivers

Are you heading over the border? Before you go, it pays to take a closer look at the auto insurance you have in place and whether it meets the new needs in the location you plan to travel to with or without your vehicle. If you have auto insurance from Hart Insurance, our team of independent insurance agents is happy to help you determine what the best type and amount of coverage for your needs is. We can also help you have the right policies in place before you head over the border.

Driving Over the Border

You probably took the time to make sure your passport was up to date and that you had the right financial information in place to access your bank account. However, many people traveling over the border fail to make key decisions about the actual insurance needs they have. If you planning a trip, your first step should be to call our offices at Hart Insurance so we can make sure your policy will remain in place. This is commonly the case for Canadian trips.

If you are traveling overseas, on the other hand, you still need to ensure your car rental has the right amount and type of insurance in place to keep you protected. Your American car insurance will not likely apply here, but there are additional options we can help you to put into place.

Get a Quote From Our Federal Way, WA Team Today

For those drivers heading to Canada, give the team at Hart Insurance a call today. Let us make sure your current auto insurance plans are exactly what you need before you cross the border and put yourself at financial risk. It’s fast and easy to get a quote by contacting us.


Hit & Run Coverage: How to Get It

A hit and run can be absolutely devastating, financially and otherwise. A person should always stop when involved in an accident, though it does not always happen. You want to make sure you have sufficient coverage in the event you are involved in a hit-and-run to avoid spending too much money out of pocket. The coverage you need is going to include various types of insurance.


Collision coverage is going to handle the repairs on your vehicle, whether you were found at fault or not. While there may be a deductible as well as limits, it can save a lot of money in the end. You may find that you are required to have collision, particularly if a lien holder is involved with your car loan.

Personal Injury Protection

PIP is common within policies, and it is important to have this coverage. No-fault coverage is included for medical bills for both you and your passengers. It can cover medical expenses, lost wages, and even child care if you are injured and unable to care or your children.

Uninsured Motorist

Having uninsured motorist is always a good especially if you are involved in any kind of accident where the other person doesn’t have insurance. The coverage can include bodily injury as well as property damage.

Medical Payments

Medical payments can be another form of coverage that you add to your auto insurance in Federal Way. If you don’t have health insurance (or even if you do), this coverage can save a lot of money because the medical payments will be taken care of by insurance as opposed to being funded from your own finances.

Call us at Hart Insurance Agency today to learn about auto insurance in Washington. We can provide you with hit and run coverage and much more.



3 Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe for Halloween Guests

Whether you are having a party or just handing out candy to trick-or-treaters, Halloween is certainly a fun time for all. However, it is important to take a few precautions before the festivities begin to ensure nobody gets hurt. Consider these three tips for keeping your guests safe.

#1: Keep a Tidy Yard

Keeping a tidy yard is definitely important around Halloween. Eliminate any hazards on your property that pose a risk of injury, such as a low hanging tree branch, a garden hose that could be tripped on, or a loose landscaping brick. Make sure any plants that can snag on clothing and costumes are also trimmed back accordingly.

#2: Turn On the Lights

As the evening festivities are getting started, it is time to turn on the lights. Keeping a well-lit home not only lets parents know that your home is handing out candy, it can help keep little ones from being injured on the way to your door. Use any exterior lights you have, but be cautious about using candles and other decorative items as a lighting source as they pose an increased fire risk.

#3: Protect Your Pets

One more important thing to consider this Halloween is where you will keep your pets during the evening. Many dogs and cats are easily spooked by small children coming to the door, which may cause them to try to get out each time a new visitor arrives. Instead of running the risk of your animal biting someone or becoming lost, it is always a good idea to have a plan in mind of where you will secure the pet until the fun is over.

Another important tip? Make sure you have the proper level of homeowner’s insurance coverage. Each time you have visitors at your home, you run the risk of having a liability claim. This rings true even if the guest is only on your porch for a moment or two to collect candy—i.e. trick-or-treaters. For more information on coverage or for a no-obligation insurance review, please contact us at Hart Insurance today.

Tips for Adding Child to Auto Policy

When your child becomes of age to acquire a driving permit or driver’s license, you will need to contact your insurance provider. Your insurance premiums will likely go up after adding your child to an existing policy, and this is absolutely normal and expected. You really cannot put a price on your child’s safety, especially when behind the wheel of a hunk of metal weighing in at more than 1 ton.

As a responsible parent, you’ll want to explore higher liability coverage in order to protect your new driver — in addition to protecting yourself and family if the accident turns in to a lawsuit. At Hart Insurance Agency, we want to help by consulting you on your new driver’s needs as well as helping you customize your policy. We offer a myriad of insurance options and would love to discuss insuring your other investments though our independent insurance company.

Another great way to save money on adding your child to your insurance policy is by having them complete a driver’s education course. Additionally, many insurance companies offer a discount for good grades in high school and college. With a 3.0+ GPA, your child may be able to save a small percentage on an auto policy.

If you need to add your child to your auto policy, contact Hart Insurance today to learn more about your options.

How Do I Buy Home Insurance In Federal Way?

Buying home insurance for your home in Federal Way, WA is of the utmost importance. If you have a mortgage it is not only required, but also helpful in the event that something should happen to your home.

It can be intimidating to find a home insurance policy because you want to make sure you get the maximum level of coverage. You want to be covered for such things as:

– Fire/smoke damage
– Theft
– Flood/water damage
– Storm/snow damage

All insurance companies who are licensed to issue home insurance policies in Washington must provide actual-cash value coverage. You can also choose to get replacement-cost coverage, but you will need to specifically request it.

The type of policy you buy is going to depend on your type of dwelling, such as single family home versus condo, mobile home, or ranch.

There are various details you will want to know about, which is why it is advantageous to work with independent insurance agents. Our agents are knowledgeable and can walk you through all of the different coverage options. We can also talk to you about what happens if you rent your home out, such as suggesting renter’s insurance to the tenants.

Buying a policy doesn’t have to be a complicated process. You simply need to know when to ask for help, and that’s where we come in. We will show you how the different insurance companies vary within the marketplace and obtain quotes from multiple companies so you can compare more effectively.

Make the call to talk to one of our insurance agents today at Hart Insurance Agency. We can help you to find a good policy at an affordable price without having to do all of the work on your own. You can have quality coverage, too.



Why Is Life Insurance Important?

When you live in Federal Way, WA you may not be thinking about life insurance. You’re healthy and don’t anticipate death any time in the near future. However, you never know what your expectancy is, therefore you must prepare.

Life insurance is more for the people you leave behind, rather than for yourself. A policy can provide you with peace of mind so you know loved ones are taken care of when you pass.

With a policy, you can provide your family with enough money to cover:

– Funeral expenses
– Debt
– College tuition
– Mortgage payments

You may be responsible for a considerable amount of the household expenses. If you die, that income no longer comes in and you don’t want to leave your family with financial struggles. A policy can take care of all of these expenses and more.

The policy that you ultimately buy is going to depend upon various things, including the age of your children, the number of years before retirement, and how much you want to leave behind. The award amounts for life insurance can vary, ranging all the way to $1 million.

There are many types of life insurance as well, including term, whole, and universal. Each have their own benefits, so you will want to work with one of our independent life insurance agents to learn about the differences and determine which policy is going to be right for you.

Once you have a policy, you can relax knowing that if something should happen to you, your family is being looked out for, at least financially.

You shouldn’t have to find a policy on your own; that’s what we are here for. Call us today at the Hart Insurance Agency and we can answer questions and get quotes to help with the comparison process.



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