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Hart Insurance Agency

33301 1st Way S, Suite C130,
Federal Way, WA 98003

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Safety Tips while Driving in Federal Way, WA

If you live in Federal Way, WA, you will need a car to get around, which means you will need car insurance. And this can be a financial burden, especially when your premiums go up due to an accident or a ticket for a moving violation. So below are some tips for how to drive more safely and efficiently in Federal Way to keep your premiums at the rate a local broker like Hart Insurance, who serves the area, first gave you.


Assume that all the other drivers on the road don’t know what they are doing and that they may do something unpredictable. Don’t be paranoid about these other drivers necessarily, but drive looking ahead at what dangers may be about to present themselves. By doing this, your ability to spot a possible accident and avoid it become much more likely, keeping you safe and your vehicle out of an accident.


If you don’t need to drive somewhere, don’t drive. Take a car service or public transportation, walk or bike. The less you drive, the lower your rates will be and the less of a chance you will make yourself vulnerable to an actual car accident.


Put a tracking device on your car and make sure the vehicle is secure wherever you park it. This will help keep it from getting broken into and make you decide whether or not to file an insurance claim or just eat the loss yourself, as you know the premiums will rise if you make a claim.


The majority of car accidents occur due to excessive speed, so if you make going the speed limit or just under the speed limit a habit, your chances of having an accident will drop precipitously.

5 Tips for Understanding Home Insurance in Federal Way

Understanding home insurance in Federal Way, WA can get tricky, and not just because the industry uses jargon that almost no one understands. If you’re looking for more tips, then Hart Insurance wants you to keep these five tips in mind.

1. It’s All About You

For the most part, home insurance is written for you. It’s flexible enough to write in certain clauses to keep the policy relevant to you. It’s why you can’t compare it to your neighbors, because they may have very different needs from you.

2. It Keeps Your Neighborhood Safe

The more you maintain your home, the better your street looks, and the more likely it will send a message to criminals that they will be noticed if they come around. The same goes for structural problems in your home.

3. It Can Do More Than You Think

Home insurance can’t cover for every event, but it probably covers more than you think. Talking to an experienced agent means hearing about the common and uncommon scenarios that may happen to you and your family, and how home insurance can be of service.

4. It’s There for You

Home insurance can put you in a hotel when you can’t stay in your house, and give you the financial aid to make the repairs necessary so you can get back in as quickly as possible. Sometimes it’s the only thing you can count on after a terrible event.

5. A Partner Can Help

Hart Insurance serves the people of Federal Way, WA, and we’re here to make it easier for you. If you have questions or concerns about your policy, then now is the time to talk to us. Call us for more information on how we can help.

Home Insurance and Inflation

Inflation is something that is far-reaching and even home insurance is not impervious to its effects. The helpful agents at Hart Insurance can help those in the Federal Way, WA area to find out just how this works. So how does inflation affect home insurance? The answer is more straightforward than you might think.

Inflation is a principle in which the value of a dollar goes down and therefore sends the cost of common goods up. This affects home insurance in one major way, as prices inflate, the cost of rebuilding a home goes up greatly. The cost of workers, materials, and time all go up making it necessary to get more coverage than you might already have.

Say for instance in 2000 your home was valued at $175,000 and that is what you have it covered for. As prices of materials go up and down, it will cost more now to rebuild a $175,000 home back than it would have seventeen years ago. Put quite simply, prices go up making it necessary to take out more home insurance to cover the difference.

Inflation can also affect the overall value of your home which will also change the need for coverage. Inflation is something that comes and goes and as such, it is important to make sure you are adjusting your home insurance coverage accordingly. Your agent can help alert you to the need to change your policy and can help you determine what changes, if any, need to be made in order to make sure that your home is fully insured so that you can rebuild in the case of a disaster.

For those in the Federal Way, WA area, the agents with Hart Insurance can help you determine how much coverage you need for your home.

5 Tips for Getting on the Road Quickly this Winter

Winter weather can make your morning commute more challenging than normal. Simply getting into your car and driving away safely often takes more time than allotted during the wee hours of the morning. Frigid temperatures and wintry precipitation can prevent you from getting into your car and getting it started. Let’s look at five tips that will help the residents of Federal Way, WA get on the road quicker this winter.

1. Use cooking spray, silicone spray, or a door lock lubricant regularly.

Make sure you coat the door’s rubber seal at least once a week, wiping off excess drips with a paper towel. Doors and locks freeze shut when water seeps in and turns to ice. A bit of oil sprayed in the locks will help repel water. If adverse weather threatens, apply more frequently.

2. Cover the windshield.

This can make a big difference in certain conditions. Light snow is easy to fluff away, but thick wet snow may require a bit of muscle to remove. Keeping the windshield covered can save significant scraping time, but it does not prevent the need to clear remaining windows before driving off.

3. Keep your battery and engine ready for ignition.

When the temperature is below freezing, your battery loses a huge percentage of its cranking power. Less crank and a cold engine can make starting your car next to impossible. Parking in a garage is ideal. Next on the list is to find out if your car is equipped with a plug to keep the essentials warm through the night. If not, there are heating blankets made to cover the battery and engine. If street parking prevents the use of a plug, even using a thick blanket can make a slight difference. Be sure to remove blankets and plugs before starting the engine.

4. Let your engine warm up.

Modern cars can be driven right away, but it doesn’t mean it is what’s best for them. Even letting run as you scrape away excess snow. This allows the oil to warm up and do its job more efficiently.

5. Use the right oil for your region.

Engine oil thickens in extremely cold temperatures. This makes it hard for your engine to turn over. Multi-weight oil is good if temperatures are moderate. Your owner’s manual or trusted local mechanic can guide you on oil needs in the Federal Way, WA area.

Winter Storms: How to Protect Your Home

The thought of winter might bring to mind a white wonderland complete with icicles hanging from the roof, a white blanket of snow covering the ground and warm baked cookies. Although winter scenes like these make winter wonderful, snow storms can put your property at risk for serious damage. This is something no one likes to deal with, especially not during the holidays. These recommendations, from Hart Insurance Agency serving Federal Way, WA, will help you avoid major problems from winter weather.

#1 Make Sure That You Have an Emergency Kit

This is perhaps one of the most important things that you can do to prepare for winter storms. An emergency kit ensures that you have the essential supplies in case a winter storm prevents you from leaving your house. In the middle of a winter storm, power and other utilities sometimes go out for days. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, recommends identifying things that you would need during a storm adding them to your emergency kit before disaster strikes. Here are some items to include in your emergency kit:

  • Enough water and non-perishable food for three days for each member of your family

  • Rock salt to help melt ice on driveways

  • Warm clothing and blankets

  • Flashlights

  • Battery powered smoke and carbon monoxide detector

#2 Prevent Ice Dams

An ice dam is an accumulation of ice that forms along the edges of your roof. When the snow melts, water runs down your roof and will refreeze at the edge. This build-up of ice keeps water from draining off of your roof. The water is forced under your roof and runs down into your attic or the inside of your walls. Once this happens, the damage can be quite serious. To prevent ice dams, keep drainage spouts and gutters clean. Carefully remove any snow accumulation with a roof rake before it has a chance to melt. If you suspect that you have damage from an ice dam, call in a professional.

#3 Make Sure That You Have the Right Insurance Coverage

Now is the time to check with your homeowner’s insurance agency to make sure that you will be adequately covered in the event of damage from a winter storm. Do not wait until after a catastrophe strikes to check your coverage. If you are in the Federal Way, WA area and would like to learn more about homeowner’s insurance coverage, speak with an agent from Hart Insurance Agency today.


Policyholders’ Tips: Preparing Your Home for Fall

Fall is now upon us, and there are different precautions that should be taken care of for your home this fall. There are also crucial things to be aware of this season to prevent possible great losses. Having said that, the following includes different preparation measures that should be taken for your home this fall:

  • Have a qualified technician to inspect and clean the furnace annually.
  • Keep flammables away from wiring and water heaters in the basement.
  • Turn the thermostat up during really cold temperatures, and get water pipes that are exposed in cold temperatures insulated.
  • Make sure the chimney is annually maintained and cleaned professionally.
  • Check the caulking around the toilet bases, sinks, bathtubs, and showers and make needed repairs.
  • Check the caulking around the windows and doors that are deteriorated.
  •  Check, clean, and repair accordingly the gutters, roof, and downspouts to keep down debris. This will prevent  the extra building of leaves in the gutters.
  • Remove and clean out the clothes dryer exhaust duct,  space underneath the dryer, pieces of material, dust, and lint.
  • Check electrical outlets for possible fire hazards, and make sure there’s no overloading of extension cords, fuse boxes, electrical outlets, and all power services.
  •  Make sure to have a filled and readily operable multi-purpose fire extinguisher.
  • Have a smoke detector on each floor of your home, inspect them, have monthly testings, and change the battery as needed.

Taking these steps will get you on your way for safety, to prevent dreadful losses, and to ensure your home insurance rates won’t raise. Most homeowner insurance policies cover damages associated with falling trees, wind, wind driven rain, and collapse caused by snow or ice. There are, however, some damages that  homeowners’ policies won’t cover, such as landslides, floods, busted pipes due to negligence from the homeowner, etc. Be sure to contact Hart Insurance for more details.








How To Find RV Insurance

Finding insurance for your RV in Federal Way, WA doesn’t have to be a chore. You don’t have to spend hours in front of the computer or on the phone with different insurance agents. Knowing how to find insurance as well as the right policy for you can be done quickly.

Know Coverage Options

There is a minimum level of insurance that you need in Washington when you have an RV. In addition to the minimum level, you can also choose to have additional coverage. This will provide you with protection when you are out on the road, parked in an RV Park, as well as in various other scenarios.

Knowing more about the coverage options will make it easier for you to find RV insurance that works for you and your needs. Those who travel more may choose to have more coverage simply because there will be more scenarios.

Talk with an Agent

You never have to be left to your own devices in order to find RV insurance. You have the ability to talk with an independent insurance agent in order to learn about coverage, ask questions, and get help with quotes. Someone who is experienced in this type of insurance can make it easy for you to get a great policy that works within your budget.

Compare Rates

Once you have spoken with an agent, you can find out about the rates that are out there. They will get quotes for you from the different insurance companies that will write policies in Washington. From there, you can make comparisons and see who has the best rates for the coverage that you desire.

Learn more by contacting us at Hart Insurance today. We look forward to helping you find the right policy for your RV.

Types Of Commercial Insurance For Business Owners

No matter the type or size of your business, commercial insurance coverage is a must. Commercial insurance is different than individual, personal insurance. While your individual insurance may protect you, it does not protect your business, your employees or your business property.

Even if your business is home-based, it’s still a good idea to have insurance. You’ll choose your type of commercial insurance based on the size of your business, whether you have employees and other factors. There are several different kinds, and the best way to determine which ones are right for you is to talk to your Federal Way, WA. insurance agent.

Commercial Insurance Policies

Commercial Property

Commercial Property Insurance helps protect your place of business from theft and damage. If you have a home-based business, your homeowner’s insurance may cover this, but you should make sure. This policy may cover damage done to the building itself, as well as damage or theft of the property inside. Depending on how comprehensive your policy is you may also have business interruption coverage. This means that the costs of having to stop doing business due to the damage or incident may be covered, such as expenses, salaries, etc. 

General Liability

General liability insurance is an absolute must. It covers people who come to your business. If someone gets hurt at your place of business, you are liable. This type of policy can cover bodily injury, or damage to property. Policies can also extend to your products or services. For example, if you are a home service business, and you go to residences to make repairs, you’ll need coverage that extends to places other than your place of business. If a product you manufacture somehow does damage or causes injury, you can purchase liability insurance that covers you. Again, it’s important that you talk to your insurance agent to better understand your needs.

Worker’s Compensation

If you have employees, you must have some kind of workers compensation insurance. 

Any business needs to have some kind of insurance. The experienced agents at Hart Insurance can help you learn more and get the coverage that you need to protect yourself, your property and your employees.

Tips to Prepare You for Summer Boating Season

With summer right around the corner, you might be tempted to pull your boat, kayak, canoe, or other watercraft out of storage and head to the lake.  But before you hitch up and head out, remember that boating has its own share of dangers.  Whether it’s rough weather, other passengers in the craft, or other issues, boating accidents send thousands to the hospital every year and cause dozens of fatalities.  To keep yourself and your passengers safe this summer, check out these tips before you put your boat out on the lake.

Inspect your watercraft

As the weather gets warmer, you’ll want to look over your watercraft for any signs of leaks, rust, mold, rot, or other damage.  Get repairs done as soon as possible, and make sure the watercraft is safe before taking it out for recreational usage.

Check the weather

Before you head out, listen to the weather forecast.  Make sure you are aware of the weather and change your plans if a storm is in the forecast.  Also, be sure to exit the water as soon as you can if you see dark clouds or a storm on the horizon.

Do not overload your boat

Overloading a boat with passengers will make it more likely to capsize or sink.  Make sure you know the maximum number of passengers and weight your boat can hold.

Keep safety equipment on hand

Always have life jackets, life preservers, a first aid kit, and other safety equipment on hand.  It’s better to have it around and never use it than to need it and not have it.

Do not drink and boat

Operating a boat while drunk is not only dangerous but also illegal.  Make sure you operate your boat while sober, both for your safety and for the safety of passengers and swimmers.

At Hart Insurance, we know how much fun boating season is every year.  That’s why our independent agents can help you choose an insurance policy that will best cover your boat and other personal watercraft.  Call us today for more information about our boat insurance policies.

Anger Management

Find yourself frequently overwhelmed with the urge to run other drivers off the road? You’re not alone, and these tips for diffusing the rage may save your life.

  • Yell into the abyss

One of the most natural, mild stages of road rage is screaming out your frustrations. While potentially off-putting for your passengers, it’s still a better option to let off steam than channeling the anger into your vehicle. If you’re the sort who gestures with their arms while talking, this method may not be for you.

  • Make a pit stop

If you have the time to spare, consider pulling off of the road and getting away from the driver’s seat. Have a drink, eat a meal, or call up your family on the cell phone. Do anything but think about the road, and wait for your rage to dissipate.

  • Think about the cost of losing control 

"Road rage" as a term tends to conjure up images of shouting drivers hurling insults at stop lights or riding too close to someone’s bumper, both aggravating but not inherently costly behaviors. Rage doesn’t stop there, though. If it takes over, drivers may find themselves deliberately causing accidents that threaten the lives of themselves of those around them. Even the seemingly innocuous tailgating can dramatically increase the risk of accidents occurring.

When you feel the urge to take an action based on anger while driving, it is essential to think ahead. The person who cut you off and made you slam on the brakes is certainly infuriating, but driving recklessly because of it could turn what was an insignificantly minor increase in used gas into the cost of repairs, rising insurance premiums, and even time in jail.

If you would like to know more about how road rage incidents can impact everything from your right to drive to the cost of your insurance premiums, contact the automotive insurance specialists at Hart Insurance.


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